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Should You Carry a Round in the Chamber? A Deep Dive into EDC Safety and Preparedness

Carrying a concealed handgun comes with a lot of responsibility and decision-making. One of the most debated topics among concealed carriers is whether or not to carry a round in the chamber. This decision can be the difference between life and death in a self-defense situation, yet it remains a topic fraught with concerns about safety, readiness, and practicality. In this post, we’ll explore the pros and cons of carrying a round in the chamber and offer guidance to help you make an informed choice for your everyday carry (EDC) setup.


Understanding the Concept

Carrying a round in the chamber means that your handgun is ready to fire with just a pull of the trigger—no need to rack the slide to chamber a round first. This practice is often referred to as “Condition 1” or “cocked and locked”, depending on the model handgun. It’s a common practice among law enforcement and experienced concealed carriers, but it can be intimidating for those new to carrying a handgun.

The Case for Carrying with a Round in the Chamber

  1. Immediate Readiness: In a high-stress, life-threatening situation, every second counts. The time it takes to chamber a round could be the difference between defending yourself and becoming a victim. With a round already chambered, your handgun is ready to go the moment you draw it.
  2. Motor Skills Under Stress: Fine motor skills degrade significantly under stress. Racking the slide to chamber a round requires more precision and coordination than simply drawing and firing. In a real-world defensive scenario, where your heart rate is elevated and adrenaline is pumping, minimizing the actions you need to take can be crucial.
  3. One-Handed Operation: You may not have the use of both hands in a self-defense situation. If one hand is injured, holding off an attacker, or otherwise occupied, being able to fire your gun with just one hand becomes essential. A round in the chamber allows for one-handed operation without any additional steps.

Concerns About Safety

  1. Accidental Discharge: The primary concern for many is the potential for accidental discharge. This is a valid concern, especially for those new to handguns or those carrying a gun without a manual safety. The risk of an accidental discharge can be mitigated with proper training, a quality holster that covers the trigger guard, and adherence to the basic rules of gun safety.
  2. Comfort Level and Training: Comfort and confidence in handling your handgun play a significant role in the decision to carry with a round in the chamber. If you’re not fully comfortable with your handgun or haven’t had sufficient training, it might be wise to wait until you’re more confident before carrying it this way.


Training: The Key to Confidence

Regardless of your choice, training is paramount. Regular practice at the range, dry-fire drills, and scenario-based training can build the muscle memory and confidence needed to safely and effectively carry with a round in the chamber. At South Carolina Gun School, we emphasize the importance of ongoing training to ensure that our students are not only proficient with their handguns but also fully prepared to defend themselves in a real-world situation.


Making Your Decision

Ultimately, the decision to carry with a round in the chamber is a personal one. It requires an honest assessment of your skill level, comfort, and the realities of self-defense situations. We encourage every concealed carrier to weigh the pros and cons, seek advice from experienced instructors, and train regularly to ensure they’re making the best decision for their safety.



Carrying a round in the chamber can offer significant advantages in terms of readiness and self-defense. However, it’s a decision that should not be taken lightly. With proper training and a commitment to safety, you can carry with confidence and be prepared for whatever challenges come your way.

At South Carolina Gun School, we’re here to support you in your concealed carry journey, offering expert guidance, training, and resources to help you become a responsible and confident concealed carrier.


Call to Action

If you’re considering carrying with a round in the chamber but aren’t sure if you’re ready, we invite you to enroll in one of our advanced concealed carry courses. Our experienced instructors will help you build the skills and confidence you need to make an informed decision. Visit our website to learn more and sign up today!


If you’re not SHOOTING, you’re RELOADING!

If you’re not RELOADING, you’re FIGHTING!

If you’re not FIGHTING, you’re DEAD!

Train to LIVE, see you on the range!