Firearms Maintenance

Started on May 8, 20242.5 hrs

This class will help with your firearms maintenance.  This will help you understand how to breakdown your firearm, any platform, by making sure you can successfully breakdown your rifle.  We will discuss tools needed from solvent and oil to bore brushes and pipe cleaners.  We will help you understand what each piece of gear and equipment are used for so you can efficiently and effectively clean you firearm.

Topics of instruction:
• Breaking down your firearm
• What you have available for help
• What equipment/gear you need
• What each of them for and proper use
• The next steps after cleaning

Equipment list:
• The firearm(s) that need maintenance
• Cleaning kit, gear, or equipment you have
• Eye protection


Important Information:
* Minimum of 2 students must be enrolled in each class. If minimum enrollment is not met or there are thunderstorms you will be notified and rescheduled, no refunds. We will gladly move your class to another date that works for everyone if something happens to come up and your unable to make the scheduled date.